IOS Inc.
The Brewer experts

SETDATE: Automatic date correction in the OP_ST.### file before running the Brewer software. 01.12.2005.
Calibration information tables. 09.12.2005.
How to find calibration information 25.01.2006.
Brewer operating software v3.76b 26.08.2008.
GWBasic: A help file. 12.12.2005.
Welcome to IOS site!

International Ozone Services Inc. (IOS) provides worldwide ozone and UV calibration services to customers with Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer instruments. We have typically completed 35-40 instruments/year in the past 27 years.
We look forward to your comments, questions and suggestions on this new website.
If you have any questions regarding the web site please contact us.