IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Brewer #054 is a MKII, located in Mt_Waliguan, China.

This instrument has been calibrated 12 times:

1996NovemberMt_Waliguancalat home
2004from 2004-02-29 to 2004-03-07Haidian_Regioncalmoved
2006from 2006-09-11 to 2006-09-18Beijingcalmoved
2008from 2008-04-15 to 2008-04-22Beijingcalmoved
2010from 2010-04-12 to 2010-04-17Beijingcalmoved
2012from 2012-04-16 to 2012-04-23Beijingcalmoved
2014from 2014-03-14 to 2014-03-21Beijingcalmoved
2017from 2017-10-16 to 2017-10-25Beijingcalmoved
2021from 2021-07-19 to 2021-07-26Toronto_IOScalmoved
2024from 2024-05-08 to 2024-05-17Beijingcalmoved

Location history of Brewer #054:

1990Mt_Waliguan, ChinaMKII
(years represent the time of relocations)

Toronto, Canada, 2010:

The new 1000W UV lamp calibration system.

For more photos from Canada please check our album.

Links to more information:
Mt_Waliguan295WOUDC site
Beijing294WOUDC site
Longfengshan326WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
Linan325WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
Zhongshan478WOUDC site
kunmingN/AWOUDC site