IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

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Blue underline: full year of data at WOUDC; grey underline: some data at WOUDC. Information on data availability was retrieved from on January 7, 2025. Environment Canada, Toronto (n.d.). World Meteorological Organization-Global Atmosphere Watch Program (WMO-GAW)/World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC). To see a full table with WOUDC Brewer data submissions visit this page on our website.
Previous years: 1988-2015
Group the records by:
Brewer ModelCurrent homeRegion2016201720182019202020212022202320242025
#005MKIIThessalonikiVI   El_Arenosillo      
#006MKIIVindelnVIVindeln  Vindeln   Vindeln  
#015MKIITorontoIV Mauna_Loa        
#017MKIITorontoIV Toronto      Toronto_HQ 
#030MKIILindenbergVILindenbergLindenbergLindenberg LindenbergLindenbergLindenbergLindenbergLindenberg 
#033MKIIMadridVI El_Arenosillo El_Arenosillo   El_Arenosillo  
#037MKIISodankylaVISodankyla Sodankyla  SodankylaSodankyla Sodankyla 
#040MKIIDavosVI Arosa        
#054MKIIMt_WaliguanII Beijing   Toronto_IOS  Beijing 
#064MKIIBelskVIBelsk Belsk BelskPoprad_Ganovce Poprad_Ganovce  
#072MKIIDavosVI Arosa        
#076MKIILongfengshanII Beijing      Beijing 
#077MKIILinanII Beijing      Beijing 
#081MKIISanta_MariaIII        Santa_Maria 
Brewer ModelCurrent homeRegion2016201720182019202020212022202320242025