IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Brewer #073 is a MKIV, located in Natal, Brazil.

This instrument has been calibrated 6 times:

1996DecemberNatalcalat home
2000OctoberNatalcalat home
2004from 2004-05-28 to 2004-05-31Natalcalat home
2007from 2007-12-03 to 2007-12-05Natalcalat home
2009from 2009-11-29 to 2009-12-02Natalcalat home
2024from 2024-02-19 to 2024-03-01Santa_Mariafixmoved

Location history of Brewer #073:

1991Natal, BrazilMKIV
(years represent the time of relocations)

Links to more information:
Natal219WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
C_Paulista200WOUDC site