IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Brewer #086 is a MKIII, located in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This instrument has been calibrated 7 times:

2000JulyThessalonikicalat home
2002MayThessalonikicalat home
2004from 2004-07-06 to 2004-07-10Thessalonikicalat home
2007from 2007-06-19 to 2007-06-22Thessalonikicalat home

Location history of Brewer #086:

1992Thessaloniki, GreeceMKIII
(years represent the time of relocations)

El_Arenosillo, Spain, 2013:

Maria is setting up the table for our dinner

For more photos from Spain please check our album.

Links to more information:
Athens293WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
Thessaloniki261WOUDC siteGAWSIS site