IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

The Year is wrong. Showing calibrations for 2004 as an example.

Calibrations in 2004:

LocationCountryInstrumentsMonth in 2004Julian days
Petaling_JayaMalaysia #090February035-043
TaipeiTaiwan #023, #061, #129February044-053
Hong_KongH.K. #115February054-059
Haidian_RegionChina #054, #076, #077February060-067
PohangKorea #095, #148, #161March068-075
SongkhlaThailand #120March077-078
BangkokThailand #121March079-080
ManchesterUK #075, #172April116-121
ValentiaIreland #088May124-128
LindenbergGermany #030, #078, #118, #064May131-138
HohenpeissenbergGermany #010, #184May139-142
NatalBrazil #0731May149-152
CuiabaBrazil #0811June153-154
S_J_CamposBrazil #0561, #1241June155-157
La_PazBolivia #1101June158-161
JokioinenFinland #037, #107June164-170
OsloNorway #042June171-173
AlomarNorway #104June174-177
ThessalonikiGreece #005, #041, #086July188-192
AthensGreece #001July193-198
ArosaSwitzerland #040, #072, #156July200-208
IspraItaly #066, #163September250-254
IzanaSpain #033, #157, #183September256-262
Punta_ArenasChile #1802, #122December348-353
1-- Financially supported by WMO
2-- Financially supported by the WMO
Click here to map all 1985 calibration visits.