IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Calibrations in 2013:

LocationCountryInstrumentsMonth in 2013Julian days
TorontoCanada #017January001-076
BandungIndonesia #0921, #1161March084-092
Hong_KongH.K. #115April093-097
TaipeiTaiwan #023, #061, #129April098-105
TorontoCanada #017April107-123
HohenpeissenbergGermany #010May126-130
LindenbergGermany #030, #078, #118May133-137
BoulderUSA #134, #131, #154May139-146
Hradec_KraloveCzech_Republic #097, #098, #152, #184, #207May139-144
AostaItaly #066, #067May148-152
El_ArenosilloSpain #070, #075, #0952, #117, #0512, #126, #150, #151, #1652, #166, #185, #186, #172, #183, #2012, #1632June161-171
OsloNorway #042June177-180
AlomarNorway #104July182-184
VindelnSweden #006July185-188
PohangKorea #161, #095July209-213
Jeju_GosanKorea #196August213-217
SeoulKorea #148, #122August217-224
TorontoCanada #017August226-263
AthensGreece #001October278-283
TorontoCanada #017October285-286
Mauna_LoaUSA #017, #009, #014, #015, #119, #191October288-300
TorontoCanada #017November319-365
1-- Financially supported by the WMO
2-- IOS helped with the maintenance and calibration of this instrument, but it wasn't part of our official business.
Click here to map all 2013 calibration visits.