IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Brewer #006 is a MKII, located in Vindeln, Sweden.

This instrument has been calibrated 11 times:

1989JuneNorrkopingcalat home
1996from 1996-05-30 to 1996-06-01Norrkopingcalat home
1999JuneVindelncalat home
2002JuneVindelncalat home
2005from 2005-06-11 to 2005-06-13Vindelncalat home
2008from 2008-06-12 to 2008-06-16Vindelncalat home
2013from 2013-07-04 to 2013-07-07Vindelncalat home
2016from 2016-07-20 to 2016-07-24Vindelncalat home
2019from 2019-07-31 to 2019-08-04Vindelncalat home
2023from 2023-08-02 to 2023-08-06Vindelncalat home

Location history of Brewer #006:

1988Norrkoping, SwedenMKII
1999Vindeln, SwedenMKII
(years represent the time of relocations)

El_Arenosillo, Spain, 2013:

Brewers in Sweden:


Links to more information:
Vindeln284WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
Norrkoping279WOUDC site