IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Brewer #067 is a MKIV, located in UofRome, Italy.

This instrument has been calibrated 20 times:

1995MayUofRomecalat home
1996AprilUofRomecalat home
1997MayUofRomecalat home
1998JulyUofRomecalat home
1999SeptemberUofRomecalat home
2000SeptemberUofRomecalat home
2002MarchUofRomecalat home
2003from 2003-09-27 to 2003-09-28UofRomecalat home
2006from 2006-03-24 to 2006-03-28UofRomecalat home
2007from 2007-04-14 to 2007-04-16UofRomecalat home
2009from 2009-07-13 to 2009-07-17UofRomecalat home
2011from 2011-07-25 to 2011-07-29UofRomecalat home
2012from 2012-07-16 to 2012-07-26Arosacalmoved
2013from 2013-05-28 to 2013-06-01Aostacalmoved
2014from 2014-07-07 to 2014-07-11Romecalmoved
2015from 2015-07-06 to 2015-07-11Romecalmoved
2017from 2017-07-10 to 2017-07-14UofRomecalat home
2019from 2019-07-01 to 2019-07-05Romecalmoved
2022from 2022-09-19 to 2022-09-23Romecalmoved
2024from 2024-07-17 to 2024-07-20Romecalmoved

Location history of Brewer #067:

1991UofRome, ItalyMKIV
(years represent the time of relocations)

Arosa, Switzerland, 2014:

A photo of Alberto taking a photo of Geir and John taking photos

For more photos from Switzerland please check our album.

Links to more information:
Vigna_Di_Valle055WOUDC site
Ushuaia339WOUDC site
Scott_Base324WOUDC site
Sestola201WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
Messina045WOUDC siteGAWSIS site
UofRome305WOUDC site
Rome314WOUDC site
LampedusaN/AWOUDC siteGAWSIS site
Ispra301WOUDC siteGAWSIS site