IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

Brewer #172 is a MKIII, located in Manchester, UK.

This instrument has been calibrated 8 times:

2004from 2004-04-25 to 2004-04-30Manchestercalat home
2005from 2005-09-06 to 2005-09-17El_Arenosillocalmoved
2007from 2007-09-03 to 2007-09-11El_Arenosillocalmoved
2009from 2009-09-07 to 2009-09-14El_Arenosillocalmoved
2011from 2011-07-04 to 2011-07-14El_Arenosillocalmoved
2013from 2013-06-10 to 2013-06-20El_Arenosillocalmoved
2015from 2015-05-24 to 2015-06-04El_Arenosillocalmoved
2023from 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-14El_Arenosillouvmoved

Location history of Brewer #172:

2001Manchester, UKMKIII
(years represent the time of relocations)

El_Arenosillo, Spain, 2013:

Brewers in UK:


Links to more information:
Reading353WOUDC site
Bracknell102WOUDC site
Manchester352WOUDC site