IOS Inc.

The Brewer experts

DisPro: Dispersion test analysis software.

DisPro allows the user to process files created by DSP (dispersion) Brewer routine. Each file (spectral scan) is plotted on the screen and processed to find the peak of the spectral line and the optical width of the slit. The user can select or deselect individual scans without renaming the files. The selected scans are then used to calculate the dispersion coefficients which can be saved into a file.
The main window of DisPro.
The program suggests which scans do not fit well to the quadratic polynomial. These scans can be looked at and either rejected or kept. The results of the calculation can be saved in a similar format that is used by LINEFIT program, but with more useful information added. Plots of all scans can be printed on a single page for records.

The main advantages of using DisPro are:

  • The program correctly processes scans from slit 0. LINEFIT does not take into account that slit 0 is narrower in some instruments and calculates wrong optical width as a result.
  • All results are easy to see and assess the quality of the data. Sometimes, a noise spike can ruin a scan and this is often hard to notice without actually plotting the scan.
  • The ability of DisPro to compare previously created dispersion constants to the ones just calculated gives the user a clear picture of what has changed in the dispersion characteristics of the instrument.
  • The program handles the scan file names differently from LINEFIT and eliminates the limit on the number of spectral lines that can be processed at one time.

Here is an example of DisPro output:

918 Wavelength(A) 3021.20 3062.92 3100.52 3135.10 3168.23 3200.26 SO2: 1.1465
Resolution(A) 8.27 10.48 10.20 10.68 10.40 10.29
O3 Abs (1/cm) 3.1506 1.7835 1.0053 0.6773 0.3749 0.2929 O3: 0.3400
Ozone weighting: 0.00 0.00 -1.00 -0.35 3.88 -2.53 O3: 0.5290
SO2 weighting: 0.00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 4.44 -3.44 SO2: 1.1269
Rayleigh coeff.: 5409 5097 4835 4609 4405 4219 -2.2 / -5.8 (DU)
Rayleigh orign.: 0 4870 4620 4410 4220 4040 +0.6 / -5.3 (DU)

2402 Wavelength(A) 3123.44 3164.05 3200.38 3233.72 3265.54 3296.35 SO2: 0.2899
Resolution(A) 8.20 10.24 9.98 10.48 10.06 9.72
log(10)*O3abs 1.6453 0.9022 0.6739 0.2725 0.1144 0.0768 O3: 0.1809
Ozone weighting: 0.00 0.00 -1.00 -6.99 17.52 -9.53 O3: 1.3065
SO2 weighting: 0.00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 4.44 -3.44 SO2: 0.2860
Rayleigh coeff.: 4684 4431 4219 4035 3870 3718

Zero = 2687 CalStep = 920 UmkOffset = 2402 NO2 switch = 2665

For umksetup:
4.1000 2.3136 1.5578 0.8638
0.6739 0.2725 0.1144 0.0768

An example of calculation results and a printout of the scans can be downloaded in pdf format.
